Logo GP Kastelenbuurt
Brittenburg 1
1082 BS Amsterdam
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Closed 12:00 - 13:00

Video consultations

It is not always necessary that you visit the practice when you have a question about your health. Our healthcare providers can sometimes also help you via video calls, also known as video consultations. With a video consultation you have a normal consultation with a healthcare provider from your practice, as you are used to, but remotely.

The video consultation is intended for medical questions that do not require a physical examination. These are for example; questions about your health, assessing skin abnormalities, questions about medication, discussing results, psychological complaints, etc.

It is still possible that your GP still wants to see you at the consultation hour for a physical examination. If applicable, this will be discussed with you during the video consultation.

During a video consultation you have live contact with your GP via a secure connection. We use Jitsi for this secure connection.

You can make an appointment for a video consultation with your GP online via the Webapp.

You can also make an appointment with your GP for a video consultation via the assistant.

Video calling has a number of advantages:

  • No travel time
  • Personal contact with a healthcare provider
  • No more sitting in the waiting room
  • Helped in your own familiar environment

How ​​does it work?

  1. You want to contact the general practitioner for a medical request.
  2. You make a video consultation appointment by telephone or online via the Webapp. Write down your 06 number or your e-mail address and your request for help.
  3. At the time of the appointment, the GP will send you a link by e-mail or SMS for the appointment on your computer or telephone.
  4. Click on this link, the conversation will start immediately.

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Contact information

GP Kastelenbuurt
Brittenburg 1
1082 BS Amsterdam
Tel: 020-6420222
Fax: 020-6464857


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